“Thank you, thank you, thank you! My son got his ACT results today! He scored a 30!
He had a 19 on his first ACT. Took your classes and got a 30! We are all so excited! Again thanks so much!”
“After training for 8 hours with Coach Mike, my ACT composite score went up 11 points and my Super Score went up 14! As a result, I earned Direct Admit status to the Farmer’s School of Business at Miami of Ohio University. Thanks very much!“
“I know how much you helped Heidi and so many others. I will always be grateful. She ended up with an academic scholarship and got into both the Ohio State University and The University of Florida which was her #1…she had a lot of different opportunities and had a full ride to Alabama as well.“
“The ACT Test Prep Coaching sessions provided my son with the strategies he needed to attain a 33 on the ACT. I strongly recommend Coach Mike for your college bound student.”
This is just a sample of the verified results from students that completed Coach Mike’s Test Prep Training.
- 10 point INCREASE – after just 4 hours of Test Prep Coaching
- 5 point INCREASE – after attending Boot Camp (a half day of Test Prep Coaching)
- 7 point INCREASE – after only 8 hours of Test Prep Coaching
- 11 point INCREASE after attending Super Test Prep (10 hours of Test Prep in less than 2 weeks)
- 4 point INCREASE and a PERFECT 36 on the Reading section after just 2 hours of Test Prep Coaching
- 3 point INCREASE from a 32 to a 35 (in less than 2 weeks)
- 8 point INCREASE of Science Reasoning score after 2.5 hours of training in Science Reasoning
- 6 point INCREASE led to DIRECT ADMIT Status to the Fisher School of Business (The Ohio State University)
- An initial score of 30 and a subsequent score of 33 after INCREASES of 8 points on Science Reasoning and 4 points on Reading
- 5 point INCREASE after 4 hours total of Test Prep in only 2 Content Areas
- 4 point INCREASE after 4 hours of Test Prep Coaching – English and Reading increased 6 points each
- 8 point INCREASE after attending 8 hours of Super Test Prep sessions
Coach Mike...

Listens to what parents want

Offers super short and effective videos

Saves your busy student time

Direct access to Coach Mike 937.219.5721

Offers a money back guarantee

Focuses on your student's success

Want to Connect with Coach Mike?
If you have questions, want more information or just want to interact with a real human being, reach out to me - Coach Mike - right now (unless it’s 3 am EST, in which case I’d appreciate you waiting until morning). I am a real human being, I am dedicated to your student’s success and I am ready to connect with you. My personal cell phone number is below. Text or call - I’ll be waiting.