From unprepared to confident in 2 months or less

TEXT or CALL Coach Mike right now!
(Yes, this is the ACTUAL Coach Mike and this is my PERSONAL cell phone. When I say “personalized coaching”, I really mean it!)
“After less than 10 hours of test prep with Coach Mike, I scored in the Top 99% on my most recent PSAT Test.”
“After just 4 hours of Test Prep with Coach Mike, I achieved an 8 point increase on the ACT!!!”
Student, does this sound familiar?

Busy? No time for test prep?
Suffer from test anxiety?
Tried test prep before and it didn't help?
Test score doesn't reflect school work or grades?
Don't know how to take the test effectively?
Feeling overwhelmed?

You can be prepared and confident in 2 months or less.
Student, you’re managing a lot right now. Schoolwork. GPA. Sports. Commitments. Family expectations. Relationships. Work. Choosing a college. Application processes. Test scores… the list goes on. Coach Mike understands and knows how to help!

- Is there a gap between your student’s success in school and their achievement on the ACT or SAT test?
- Are you worried about your student’s self confidence now and their opportunities for the future?
HERE’S SOME GOOD NEWS: Your student can build confidence and WIN by preparing for these tests!
You are the kind of parent who wants their student to succeed and Coach Mike wants to help. No one knows your student like you do. Here is an opportunity to let Coach Mike know about your student so he can help her or him achieve their highest test score and WIN!

Coach Mike’s Training Methods Have Been Cultivated For Over 20 Years
Grants 24/7 access to super helpful online training
Provides accountability to train
Always seeks improvement and student growth
Provides the needed resources for maximum score increase
Uploads enough (but not too many) Test Prep Videos
“Before I began training with Coach Mike, I scored a 24 on the ACT. After 6 hours total of ACT Test Prep Coaching with Coach Mike, I tested again and scored a 31. I am very happy with my results!“
“After just a half day with Coach Mike, my ACT score increased 3 points which resulted in an additional $12,000 in scholarships and acceptance into the Honors Program!”
“I achieved my SAT GOAL SCORE during COVID-19! I met with Coach Mike for 8 sessions via ZOOM and I’m super happy to share that I scored above 1500!!”
Check out these 2 short videos to find out how Coach Mike’s Test Prep works and how you will succeed!
Parents and students take these 4 simple steps to achieve test-taking greatness
Click the “Increase Your Score Today” button to choose the ACT or SAT Virtual Training Plan that best suits the student.
Once the plan is chosen, you will be taken to Coach Mike’s Thinkific learning platform to complete your purchase and enroll the student’s information.
Once the student is enrolled, she or he will have immediate access to Coach Mike’s Test Prep Training Plan and resources!
Upon completion of Coach Mike’s Test Prep Online Training Plan, student will be prepared to achieve her or his highest test score!
Get your FREE ACT/SAT Test Prep Plan!
You will receive Coach Mike’s brilliant plan for achieving World Peace! Actually, it’s a helpful plan to help your student WIN! Just let Coach Mike know where to send it!
Everything your student needs to achieve a score increase OR your money back!
1. Provide proof of score.
2. Train hard! for a week, a month or more.
3. Take test.
4. Didn't improve?
5. Provide proof of post-training score.
6. Receive 100% money back OR extended access to training!
Money Back Guarantee Details
Boot Camp Score Improvement Guarantee:
Parent & student, when you purchase access to Boot Camp (1 or 2 weeks of Training), you have a Money Back Guarantee if you do what follows:
- Student must have taken an Official ACT/SAT Test prior to training with Coach Mike. The test must be dated within 2 years of when Boot Camp is purchased.
- Email a copy of previously taken ACT/SAT Test Score Report to when you register for Boot Camp. A scan or screenshot of your official online score report is fine.
Super Test Prep Score Improvement Guarantee:
Parent & student, when you purchase access to Super Test Prep (1 or more months of Training), you have a Money Back Guarantee if you do what follows:
- Student must have taken an Official ACT/SAT Test prior to training with Coach Mike. The test must be dated within 2 years of when Super Test Prep is purchased.
- Email a copy of previously taken ACT/SAT Test Score Report to when you register for Super Test Prep. A scan or screenshot of your official online score report is fine.
- Commit to TRAIN! with Coach Mike’s Test Prep resources. Follow the Step by Step Instructions and watch the Training Videos for ALL sections of the test.
- Review solutions, “Hacks” and other training resources intended to help you prepare.
- With perseverance, Grit and a Growth Mindset, celebrate areas of strength and seek to understand weaker content as you strive to improve your test-taking process.
- Reach out to Coach Mike if you have questions or need help.
- Complete the Boot Camp or Super Test Prep Course.
- If student’s score doesn’t increase by 3 POINTS OR MORE on an official ACT test OR by 110 POINTS OR MORE on an official SAT test taken after Boot Camp or Super Test Prep end date, you can choose to receive a FULL REFUND or extend Boot Camp or Super Test Prep training time at no additional cost.
What if my student has never taken the exam before?
- Coach Mike’s Test Prep works for students!! Preparation equals confidence. If your student takes the ACT or SAT having built up confidence through preparation, your student will achieve better results!
- If your student has never taken the test before – she or he can still use Coach Mike’s Test Prep – you just won’t be eligible for the score improvement guarantee. Note: Once your student takes an official ACT/SAT test, you can register her or him for additional training with Coach Mike and receive the full “Score Improvement, Money Back Guarantee”.
A message directly from Coach Mike:
Parent, I understand that your student is busy! AND that you want your student to achieve their best future. In light of this, I developed a step by step process to prepare your student to excel on the ACT and SAT – that doesn’t require a year or more to complete.
Coach Mike’s Test Prep training process consists of more than a decade’s worth of research and development – learned by working with students. The Videos are short and the directions are written to be easy to understand. The Training sessions are designed to help your student learn HOW to take the test effectively. This may, at times, require your student to employ grit or ratchet up their attention to detail. However, we want to WIN and together we will!!
My Personal Guarantee:
If your student completes all of the requirements above and she or he doesn’t improve their ACT score by at least 3 points or SAT Score by at least 110 points, e-mail me a scanned copy of your student’s “Post-Training” score report and I will give you a FULL REFUND or extend your access to Coach Mike’s Test Prep at no additional cost.
When we work together, we WIN! I’m willing to guarantee it.
Coach Mike...

Listens to what parents want

Offers super short and effective videos

Saves your busy student time

Direct access to Coach Mike 937.219.5721

Offers a money back guarantee

Focuses on your student's success